GROwth and INactivation Prediction software

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Novel versions uploaded: 25.1.2023

Growth and inactivation predictive software

Developed by

VBA for Applications

GroPIN tertiary model constitutes a standalone application, developed in VBA (Visual Basic for Application). The software is using Microsoft® Excel 2007-2010 as a platform for the data introduction and processing.

 The Microsoft® Excel database is supported by a servicing application which has been designed especially for scientific and industrial use.

Solver add-in software (Frontline Systems) has been harmoniously integrated into the source code in order to provide solution for the growth-no growth calculations.

Before executing GroPIN software, the following software has to be installed into your computer:

1. Microsoft Office (from 2007 up to 2013 version)

2. The corresponding Solver, Excel

Add-In application 


You have to download:

1. GroPIN.xlsm (GroPIN software)

2. Dynamic Files Folder, (in compressed mode) including examples of files with dynamic conditions (you have to unzip it)


Depending on the installed in your computer, version of Windows, Office you may install one of the following GroPIN versions:

Windows 10, Excel 2007:

Windows 10, Excel 2013

Windows 10, Excel 2016

GroPIN constitutes  a user-friendly software which has been developed with Visual Basic for Applications and Rshiny software. The application software is based on a highly transparent predictive modeling Database for kinetic and probabilistic models, including cardinal gamma models with interaction. The models library of GroPIN (accessible by the users in XL environment) hosts a total of nearly 1000 published models (=single mathematical expressions) for the growth, thermal/non-thermal inactivation and probability of growth, including spoilage and mycotoxigenic fungi, bacteria and yeasts both in culture media and in various foods of plant (e.g., fresh-cut salads, deli salads, berries, juices, etc.) or animal origin (meat and meat products, dairy products). For a complete information about the included models you may execute the DataBase Analysis software. An unlimited number of mathematical models can be introduced into the database via equation editor.


 Main features of GroPIN include:

(i)   Simulation of microbial growth and inactivation (log CFU vs time) under static and dynamic conditions

(ii)  Plotting of secondary models

(iii) Illustration of 2D growth/no growth interface and plots of growth probability across the interface of a single independent variable, for multiple levels of a 2nd variable

(iv) Monte Carlo simulation based on stochastic expression of intrinsic and extrinsic variables, and/or initial contamination levels and physiological state (ho) of target organisms

(v) Estimation of process lethality (F-value) and associated log reductions of dynamic time-T (heating) profiles, based on published or user-defined Dref and Z values

(vi)  Modelling microbial interactions of binary microbial combinations, based on Jameson effect

(vii) Modular process modelingfor simulating interchangeable growth and inactivation microbial responses over multiple stages of a food chain, also considering cross-contamination events or microbial reduction, due to decontamination interventions.


GroPIN provides both graphical (i.e., predicted lines for growth/inactivation, secondary model, or G/NG interface and colorful response surfaces-for secondary models) and numerical outputs, archivable in JPEG format or extracted to XL files, respectively, in the active PC directory. 

 The impact on microbial behavior of a variety of critical and commonly encountered intrinsic (preservatives, organic acids in total or undissociate/dissociate form, salt, aw, nitrates, etc.) and extrinsic (temperature, CO2, pressure, anaerobic conditions) factors is accounted for by the models registered in GroPIN. The microbial responses modeled (i.e., dependent variables) include the maximum specific growth rate, the death rate, the lag phase duration, maximum population density, time to X-log reduction/growth, D-values and probability of growth, depending on the selected model category.

A search engine has been established for selecting the model of interest. Then the user may select variables and assign values for each variable though list boxes or by direct typing. All kinetic models, including growth or inactivation, plus gamma models with interactions, can be simulated under both static and dynamic conditions.

Developed by
The GroPIN software is developed  again on RShiny platform in order to exploit the web sources and the corresponding facilitations. Although the development of the software is in process, we are going to post every completed part of our new developed software.

GROPIN Predictive Modelling Software © 2009 
by Prof. Panos Skandamis, Dr. Antonios Psomas
is licensed under